Wednesday, July 23, 2008

VBS, Work, and Life........

"An idle mind is a devil's workshop" okay so you can laugh if you want, but I just found out this is not in scripture.......however it applies.

I've been taught to stay as busy as possible in God's work, to avoid falling into temptation. This week has been, work, or volunteering, then VBS, then the night at my aunt's learning VBS motions, or just relaxing.

I'd say my hands have stayed busy. I am seeing as I get more involved in full time ministry, wether it be teaching in the 7th and 8th grade class at church, or stepping in to help with GLOW when the others aren't able to be there, has kept my mind more on things of God instead of troubles, or things of the world.

I have found I am growing in leaps and bounds, both in my confidence to do what God has called me to do and in knowledge of how to accomplish those things.

I'm seeing that my mom and Aunt were right all along. I am able, because God is able.

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