Sunday, July 6, 2008

you know you're in Africa when:

Here's a list care of my next steps friend:

1. You get hit by a car
2. You get proposed to everyday
3. The power and water go out and daily life continues
4. Other white people ignore you
5. You can go 2 weeks without a hot shower and you are okay with that.
6. The generator broke but you are in the nicest hotel
7. You put 22 people in a 15 passenger trotro
8. You no longer have potholes but "car" holes
9. Babies cry because they've never seen a white person
10. You wake up to roosters crowing at 3AM
11. 50,000 isn't much
12.Your peanut butter is called ground nut paste
13. you sit down and children fight over who sits in your lap
14. It's no longer cats that hiss at you but humans
15. You can't tell the difference between rocks and toilet paper
16. You can watch 2 movies at once on the same screen
17. You iron your clothes to avoid bug infestation
18. The water you brush your teeth with causes diseases if swallowed
19. Your continental breakfast taste like communnion
20. You eat Nutella for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
21. Fast Food is a sit down restaurant
22. "Whole" Fish includes tails, scales, and eyeballs
23. Time no longer exists
24. Missionaries are asked to wait outside for members to show up but are treated like royalty
25. Anytime you stop moving for one second you feel tiny, precious hands all over you.
26. People ask you for money because you're white
27. Worship is amzing, we even dance to give offering
28. 2 men hold hands and it's ok
29. Your clothes are in the kitchen cabinet
30. Your clothes line consists of a curling iron and straightener
31. You are the only one who notices naked people
32. You go to the bathroom in pairs so someone can hold the flashlight because you can't see
33. You can't understand your own language and sing the wrong song.
34. 80 degree weather is winter
35. You get charged for taking pictures outdoors
36. The conga line is ok in church
37. The keyboard player plays a different song than what you are singing
38. Farm animals no longer live on a farm but on the main roads and in the church.
39. DSL is the equivalent of Dial - Up
40. You drink Kool - Aid with clumps in it
41. But most of all, you know you are in Africa when you finally feel "At home"

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